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Blog Post #2

This week Jason worked on the game. He almost has it finished, and it's looking great! For the mechanics of our game, you are a spaceship, dodging asteroids. You start out in the center and you can move, 8 clicks left and 8 clicks right. This makes it a little bit confusing, because you cannot just hold down the arrow keys to move, you have to click them to move over a space. Our game's enemy is the asteroids, which are spawned at the top of the screen and move toward you. The goal is to reach the moon, and if you get hit you lose. I was hoping to add a laser to the ship, so that you could shoot the asteroids instead of just dodging them, but that would make it too easy. The most important rule of making a video is that it has to be fun, and an easy game is not a fun game. If the game is too easy, then you play once, beat it, and never look at it again. If the game is hard, then you keep on coming back, to try and beat it, and in the end the victory is that much sweeter.

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